Study on open source software governance at the European Commission | Publications Office of the EU
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-25
The target of this study is to assist EU-FOSSA in shaping the new open source software strategy of the European Commission (EC). The study starts with a report on the status of open source software in the world, with emphasis on the developments after 2014 in the adoption of open source by public services and institutions. The fresh information that is presented helps identifying the weak and
strong points of open source adoption by public organizations and it is used to review the latest (2014-2017) EC open source software strategy. EC internal stakeholders have been interviewed with the purpose of capturing their opinion on open source software adoption by the EC and their expectations for the future strategy. The document proceeds with a series of recommendations for the development of the new EC open source strategy that are based both on the evidence collected worldwide and the feedback from the interviews. The study concludes with the lessons learned in view of the design and implementation of the new strategy.