Empfehlung: Förderbedingungen für die Publikationsfonds für Monografien und Sammelbände an den Berliner Universitäten [Recommendation: Funding conditions for the publication funds for monographs and anthologies at Berlin universities] | Zenodo
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-10-26
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Funding conditions for publication funds for monographs and anthologies/edited collections
About the publication fund
The publication fund for monographs and anthologies was established with budgetary funds from the University X and is managed by the University Library. Applications are processed and approved in the order in which they are received until the funds are exhausted. In individual cases, the decision on funding is the responsibility of the University Library. The publication fund has been offered since XX.YY.ZZZZ and contains XX0.000,00 € in the current year.
Application for funding
Eligible to apply are members of University X (according to § 43 Berlin Higher Education Act)[FN1]. As author or editor, this person is responsible for paying the publication fees. The applicant's ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is expected to be provided. The authors' affiliation must be clearly visible in the publication. When stating affiliation to University X, the standardised guideline for stating affiliation to University X in publications (affiliation guideline) must be observed. The publications must contain a reference to the support provided by the Publication Fund of University X.[FN2] An application for the assumption of publication costs should be submitted as soon as contractual negotiations with a publisher are initiated. In principle, the date of application determines the order of funding. Commitments of funds are valid for a period of 12 months. If publication has not taken place after this period, a new application for funding must be submitted.[FN3]
Object of the aid
The Publication Fund finances previously unpublished open access monographs and anthologies (first publications) up to a certain maximum funding amount (pro rata). Excellent dissertations from University X are funded. The Publication Fund does not support graduate students. The combination of funding with other means is possible. Publications which have been produced within the framework of third-party funded projects and for the financing of which publication funds are available, cannot be funded by this central publication fund. Eligible for funding are costs incurred in producing the digital version of the publication. Printing costs are not eligible for funding. There is a maximum funding limit which may be deviated from in exceptional cases.
open access
All components of the work supported must be accessible to readers worldwide, permanently and free of charge, immediately upon publication. Scientific publications published under the Creative Commons licence CC BY[FN4] are supported. The publication of the Open Access version will take place at the same time as or prior to a possible parallel print version. The publication is clearly marked as Open Access publication on the publisher's page and in the print publication. Adequate labelling includes free access and free licence. All funded monographs and anthologies will be permanently archived in the University X Repository Y and made available online. It is desirable to link the publication to other resources such as research data, which are also made available according to the principles of open access.
The publisher should be listed as an Open Access publisher, for example in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).[FN5] The publisher provides detailed information on workflow, transfer of rights and calculation, including Open Access costs, in a prepared form in the form of a checklist[FN6] .