On the same page/screen: Making books, making collectives | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2021-01-12
The following notes on the making of books and collectives are reflections on the workshop Verlage Selber Machen that are informed by my work with COPIM’s Experimental Publishing and Reuse Working Group. The publishing initiative cache.ch ran the event to share experiences with making, running and sustaining independent publishers. The event took place in Berlin-Zoom on 27 September 2020. I presented mattering press, in conversation with Andreas Kirchner (meson press), Florian Lamm (Lamm & Kirch), Anna Echterhölter und Rebekka Ladewig (ilinx) and Jan Wenzel (Spector Books). I would like to thank the cache-Team – Nils Güttler, Niki Rhyner and Max Stadler for the event.