„Ich freue mich, ein bisschen von der positiven Energie, die in Paris gesät wurde, weitertragen zu können.“ - Eckpunkte eines deutschen OER-Programms - Bildung + Innovation - 21. 11. 2013

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2013-11-23


[From Google's English] "January Neumann of the University Library Centre NRW, formulated at the conference, which was held in Berlin on "Open Educational Resources" (OER) in September 2013 vertices of a German OER program. The online editorial team of "Education + Innovation" talked to him about the program's goals and the demands it places on the political level. Online Editor: Why are you so excited about OER?"



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Date tagged:

11/23/2013, 08:45

Date published:

11/23/2013, 03:45