Webinar #2 on collective funding models for open access books, 19 July 2023, 2pm (BST) | Jisc

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2023-06-28


This is the second event in the series where library colleagues will discuss how their libraries are adapting policies and practices to meet the challenges of supporting open monographs. In August 2021, UKRI launched a new open access policy, which for the first time includes a provision for long-form scholarly works including monographs, book chapters and edited collections published from 1 January 2024. In preparation for policy implementation, Jisc and the Open Access Books Network have come together to hold a series of online events which will focus on different publishing models for Open Access books. This online event is the second in the series, and in it, three library colleagues working in scholarly communications and open research will speak about how their libraries are at various stages of success in adapting policies and practices to meet the challenges of supporting open monographs.  



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Date tagged:

06/28/2023, 04:09

Date published:

06/28/2023, 00:09