Alternative business models for open access publications | @ YouTube
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2023-07-19
This video introduces different business models for open access publications, that exist in addition to the often known author-pays-model. The video was produced by the Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology (TIB) in 2023 as part of the BMBF-funded project
The video can also be downloaded from the following link: Licence: CC Attribution 3.0 Germany:
You may use the work or content for any lawful purpose, modify it and reproduce it in unmodified or modified form, distribute it and make it publicly available, provided you give credit to the author/rights holder in the manner specified.
The video was created by: Helene Strauß (née Brinken); Jonas Hauss; Jesko Rücknagel
With the collaboration of: Florian Carlo Strauß
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