JASPER: a cross-industry collaboration making a real difference! | DOAJ News Service

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2023-12-07


Two years ago, DOAJ announced it would take proactive steps to prevent open access journals from disappearing from the Internet. Two months later, Project JASPER was born. 

JASPER is a cross-industry collaboration with one main goal: to help open access journals be preserved long-term. It sounds simple, but there are challenges. Lack of resources and understanding around why preservation is needed means that many journals aren’t ever preserved. 

The JASPER partners—CLOCKSS, DOAJ, Internet Archive, The Keepers Registry, and Public Knowledge Project (PKP)—collaborated to build on existing trusted infrastructure and services. Journals indexed in DOAJ can apply to be included in a variety of long-term digital preservation services if they meet a range of selection criteria. Journals can choose one or more preservation routes: currently, Internet Archive, the PKP’s Preservation Network (PKP-PN), or CLOCKSS.





From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

12/07/2023, 03:03

Date published:

12/06/2023, 03:44