Job: Research Assistant Modular Publishing (0.8 FTE) (V23.0782) | University of Groningen

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2023-12-18


In this role, you will conduct training sessions on modular publishing and help identify barriers to adoption of this new way of research publishing. Modular publishing is a form of continuous sharing, where each step of the research process gets published instead of only the final results upon completion.

You will be responsible for helping develop the relevant training materials and identify ways to support (junior) researchers in adopting modular publishing. You will help identify and translate their needs into concrete recommendations for a modular publishing platform. The goal of this position is to assess and improve the value of modular publishing for (junior) researchers.

We are offering a position for 0.8-1.0 FTE during 6-8 months (the hours you work per week will depend on the duration of your contract), with flexible and negotiable tasks. Your contributions to resulting research outputs will be recognized with authorship, which we will support in preparing and finalizing as a team. You will be a part of the team realizing an NWO Open Science Fund grant (original:

We especially welcome applications from people who do not necessarily tick all the boxes, and have an unusual resume. Gaps in your resume will not affect the evaluation.

What will you do?

  • develop open educational training materials for modular publishing
  • organize and conduct approximately five trainings throughout the Netherlands
  • interview junior researchers to assess their needs and wishes on modular publishing
  • help process, analyze, and interpret research data.

Organisation The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, City of Talent. Quality has had top priority for four hundred years, and with success: the University is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences excels in teaching and research in the fields of human behaviour, thinking, learning, and how people live together. We work on societal issues and problems that people experience in daily life. Central to this is individual and societal resilience and how to increase this. To this end, we focus on the topics of migration, the environment and climate, health, upbringing and education, the protection of vulnerable minorities, and sustainable partnerships.The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences employs over 800 staff members. For more information about the Faculty please check the link

Within the faculty, you would be situated in the Education in Culture group, but the project is highly interdisciplinary.

Education in Culture Humans acquire culture through education, and the content, method and organization of education is determined by culture. The Education in Culture research unit (EiC) examines this complex interplay between education and culture by investigating a wide range of issues concerning upbringing, education and training in formal, non-formal and information settings, mainly from historical, philosophical, theoretical and intercultural perspectives.

Our research is interdisciplinary, and uses insights from Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Historical Sciences, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, and Psychology. For researchers, we thus provide a stimulating environment in educational research that includes sub-fields such as history of education, philosophy of education, gender studies, migration studies, and life-long learning. For students, we provide courses on bachelor and master level that includes the master-track Ethics of Education: Philosophy, History and Law


We are looking for candidates who meet the following requirements:

  • you proactively communicate plans and changes to keep the team informed
  • you proactively identify action items and work independently
  • you are curious and interested to learn in this role
  • you are able to organize events in a timely and orderly fashion
  • you are able to motivate and support the learning of others
  • you are interested in open science (publishing practices in particular)
  • completed your bachelor degree (ideally in social sciences or related field)
  • fluent in English
  • research methodology experience.

Nice to have:

  • experience with conducting training or running workshops
  • knowledge of modular publishing as a concept
  • knowledge of ResearchEquals
  • knowledge of GitHub
  • knowledge of markdown
  • experience in data collection and analysis (either qualitative or quantitative)



Conditions of employmen


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

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Date tagged:

12/18/2023, 11:29

Date published:

12/18/2023, 06:29