Symposium Opening the Monograph: its future within an open scholarly landscape. 26 April 2024, 09.30-16.30 (GMT)
flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2024-02-15
A collaborative symposium between the University of Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, UKRI and RLUK.
Date and time: 26 April 2024, 09.30-16.30
Location: Hope Street Hotel, 40 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9DA
Format and audience: an in-person symposium, of particular interest to members of the academic, information, and library communities.
Registration: this is a free event but registration is required (below).
The monograph has long held a central place in the scholarly landscape across disciplines, especially the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Defying predictions of its decline, the growth of electronic content, open-access monograph publishing, and changing funder requirements, all provide opportunities to rethink the monograph’s future. This includes the recent implementation of the UKRI Open Access policy for longform publications.
This symposium will explore the future of the monograph and will bring together colleagues from the academic, funder, information and library, and publishing communities to consider the changing nature of open scholarship and the role of the academic monograph.
Speakers include:
- Professor Christopher Smith, Executive Chair, the Arts and Humanities Research Council
- Dr Steven Hill, Director of Research, Research England
- Rachel Bruce, Head of Open Research, UKRI
- Dr. Şule Şahin, Senior Lecturer in Actuarial Science, The School for Business and Society, University of York
- Professor Fiona Beveridge, Executive Pro-Vice Chancellor of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Liverpool
- Professor Anthony Hollander, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Liverpool
- Anthony Cond, Chief Executive of Liverpool University Press and President-Elect of the Association of University Presses
- Dr David Prosser, Executive Director, Research Libraries UK
- Alison Welsby, Editorial Director and Senior Commissioning Editor, Liverpool University Press
- Martin Wolf, Head of Open Research, Libraries, Museums and Galleries, University of Liverpool
- Dr Matt Greenhall, Director of Libraries, Museums and Galleries, University of Liverpool
The symposium will include a mix of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and facilitated conversations. Refreshments will be served throughout the day and any dietary or access requirements should be made known at registration.
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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks