Eight routes towards Plan S compliance | Innovations in Scholarly Communication
juliencolomb's bookmarks 2018-10-22
Much has already been said and written about Plan S, the initiative of a group of European research funders to drastically increase and speed up the transition to full open access. Instead of adding to that with statements on whether it is a good idea or on which elements we like and which we do not like, here we present and dissect eight possible routes towards compliance. For each of those routes the scheme shows examples (please treat them as such), assessments of effects on various stakeholders and on overall cost and also whether the route aligns with expected changes in the evaluation system.
In our view it is useful to discern 5 potential gold routes and 3 potential green routes.
https://101innovations.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/eight-routes-towards-plan-s-compliance/From feeds:
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