Ford Foundation on Twitter: "#RedditAMA: World-renowned cybersecurity expert Bruce Schneier will host a @reddit_AMA to answer your questions about tech today and #PublicInterestTech. Join the #AMA Thurs, Sept 6 at 11am EST @reddit @schneierblog #civictech #govtech #morethancode…"
cschmitt's bookmarks 2018-09-03
Bruce Schneier to host a Reddit AMA to answer questions about tech today and #PublicInterestTech
“Policymakers need to understand tech the same way tech people need to understand policy. And to me, a public interest technologist is someone who understands that, and tries to bridge the tech and policy worlds. I want everyone to think about the public interest ramifications of their work” says Berkman Klein Fellow Bruce Schneier in this video from the Ford Foundation. Hear more from Schneier during a Reddit AMA about tech today and Public Interest Tech on September 6 at 11AM EST.