Unwanted Witness on Twitter: "New Report⚡️ In our latest report, we analyzed Uganda's National ID Legislation and its compliance with International #HumanRights obligations. Read the report: https://t.co/SW6MSnlUWq #GoodID #DigitalIdentity https://t.co/hOV9EfKSCO" / Twitter
cschmitt's bookmarks 2022-02-28
Ubisecure on Twitter: ".@titiakinsanmi joins us on the #LTADI to discuss her work with @GoodID, the various trust frameworks across the world and how these frameworks will interact cross-border > https://t.co/ZzcfEkKZZl #DigitalIdentity #Privacy #Authentication" / Twitter
Center for Human Rights and Global Justice on Twitter: "TODAY, our Digital Welfare State & Human Rights Project launches a new report entitled: Paving a Digital Road to Hell? A Primer on the Role of the World Bank and Global Networks in Promoting Digital ID. https://t.co/nvXcK81hCO" / Twitter
Elizabeth M. Renieris on Twitter: ""The end result is that states bear the burden of maintaining technology systems at taxpayer expense, a move that ultimately benefits #Apple and its shareholders by making its devices even more essential than they already are." #DigitalID #ShockDoctrine https://t.co/llca9C2C10" / Twitter
Nubian Rights Forum on Twitter: "This week the #HudumaBill2021 is in Parliament for its 2nd reading The Bill is proposing the largest changes to Kenya’s ID system since independence. What exactly does that mean for you? Huduma Bill 2021: A Thread 🧵 https://t.co/oIXst4rMA9" / Twitter
(5) Elizabeth M. Renieris on Twitter: "The right call, especially given how much IDme fumbled this one, but the issue isn't going away because it's not just the IRS looking at biometric auth. The government needs a comprehensive approach to #DigitalID going forward, whatever the modality. https://t.co/sBCmuu5jPf" / Twitter
SedaG on Twitter: "Digital ID discussions focus narrowly on privacy of attributes. A universal dig id (on mobile) is the fantasy of a world where any party could implement checks before giving access to resources or mobility. An immunity certificate galore. Can we discuss? https://t.co/lyqekFvGQc" / Twitter
Privacy International on Twitter: "Such wonderful news from Kenya with government announcing to issue national ID cards to victims of double registration in Garissa who had been previously unable to register for an ID card which is required to access a multide of services. For updates follow @Haki_na_Sheria👇" / Twitter