Call for Papers/Posters for the conference "Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History (DLH2020)"

ALLC RSS 2019-09-12


Call for Papers/Posters for the conference "Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History (DLH2020)"

15 Sep 2019 (All day)

19/20 March 2020 in Frankfurt/M., Germany

On 19/20 March 2020, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History holds a conference on Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History, bringing together scholars with experience and interest in digital methods. The conference will provide an opportunity to present collections, databases, gazetteers and similar resources of relevance to legal history, but also to demonstrate how these or other resources – and digital methods in general – have been put to use in concrete project contexts. There is no exclusive regional or historical focus and contributions can cover any space or epoch. Also reports about research questions, projects or approaches that have failed to find or create satisfactory digital means, are explicitly invited as well.

Possible questions to be discussed

  • what insights in legal history have been made possible by the use of digital methods and resources?
  • how do you integrate digital methods with hermeneutical and narrative aspects of your work?
  • what aspects of texts and objects are particularly relevant for legal history and how can they be modelled and processed in digital approaches?
  • how do data-driven methods differ from other approaches in legal history?
  • what is lacking?


Deadline for submissions is soon: 15.09.2019 (note, however, that submissions need not be very verbose; see below).

When submitting a proposal, please indicate whether you aim to contribute a talk or a poster:

Requirements for talks

Submissions for talks should be up to 1.200 words long, excluding references. The text need not be a finished paper/talk, but give a good description of what you want to present. Please also add a short abstract (150-300 words) for publication with the preliminary program.

Requirements for posters

Poster submissions should have a length of up to 500 words, excluding references. There will be an opportunity to invite the audience to your poster during a poster slam. Please also add a short abstract for publication with the preliminary program.

More information

More complete information can be found online at\ Or send an e-mail to


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Communication Fellow

Date tagged:

09/12/2019, 19:05

Date published:

09/12/2019, 12:27