Call for papers Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age

ALLC RSS 2020-05-10


Call for papers Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age

5 Jul 2020 (All day)


International Online Conference – September 28th-29th 2020

deadline: July 5th 2020


Sabina Castellaneta (Bari), Nadia Rosso (Piemonte Orientale)

Scientific commettee

Francesco Carpanelli (Torino), Giorgio Ieranò (Trento), Massimo Magnani (Parma), Anna Novokhatko (Thessaloniki), Luigi Todisco (Bari), Bernhard Zimmermann (Freiburg)

Keynote discussants

Luigi Battezzato (Piemonte Orientale), Olimpia Imperio (Bari)


The scientific meeting Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age aims to investigate the potentials and limits of the digital tool for the study of Greek Theatre. We especially invite papers that present experiences undertaken, project proposals and research perspectives relating to:

a)     digital scholarly editions of ancient Greek theatrical texts, including fragmentary ones, and of the ancient scholia to theatrical plays, especially with reference to the debate about textual criticism and digital philology;

b)     dynamic, collaborative and open access analyses of ancient Greek theatrical texts and new paradigms of textuality, authoriality and accessibility in the digital age; 

c)     digital archives of manuscripts, printed editions and modern performances of ancient Greek theatre; online lexica of ancient Greek theatre; databases of archeological and epigraphic material related to ancient Greek theatre; online repertories of props and costume designs in ancient Greek theatre; virtual reconstructions of ancient Greek stage settings and theatrical buildings;

d)     online didactic strategies for studying ancient Greek theatre, starting from the experiences concretely gained by the scientific and academic community during the ongoing health emergency.

The aim of the Conference is to use digital tools – the only means, as of today, to ensure an exchange of ideas between scholars – to reflect on the digital challenge for the analysis of Greek theatrical texts, surviving and fragmentary, and of the theatrical phenomenon in its totality.


The meeting is organized by the University of Bari and will be held online. This session is part of the Widespread Conference on Ancient Drama promoted by the Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico of University of Turin.


Speakers intending to participate in the Conference Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age are invited to send an e-mail to by July 5th 2020 following these instructions:

  1. object: “Candidacy to Widespread Conference Bari”;
  2. attachments (in pdf format):
  • an anonymous abstract written in Italian or English (maximum word count: 300 words), specifying title and research field of the paper proposal (a. digital scholarly editions; b. dynamic analyses; c. archives and repertoires; d. didactic strategies); 
  • a brief curriculum vitae (in Italian or English), which will list University affiliation, relevant degrees and publications (maximum word count: 300 words).

The Scientific Committee is responsible for accepting or rejecting papers. The organisers will inform the proposers by July 20th.

Papers can be given in Italian, English or French and they should not be longer than 30 minutes.

The organisers plan to submit the conference proceedings for publication. Publication will be overseen by the Scientific Committee and will be subject to a process of blind peer-review.


May 7th                        open call for papers

July 5th                         deadline for the call for papers

July 20th                       acceptance of the successful proposals

Sept. 28th-29th              International Online Conference





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Date tagged:

05/10/2020, 18:16

Date published:

05/10/2020, 11:04