EADH2021: Notifications of acceptance postponed to end of April

ALLC RSS 2021-04-02


EADH2021: Notifications of acceptance postponed to end of April

Dear proposal submitters,

please accept ourĀ apologies for not having informed you that because of the extension of the submission phase notification of acceptance will also have to be later.

When we extended the CfP until 24 January 2021 I assumed that everybody would figure this out.

The PC is actually working its way through the many reviews. As the reviewing phase of 6 weeks had to be extended as well so that reviewers could finish their work, you should expect notification of acceptance not before 26 April 2021. Obviously the deadline for the upload of final papers will then be later as well.

Please feel assured that the PC is doing its very best to fulfil its duties with care and responsibility and as timely as possible.

Wishing you all safe and happy Easter / Spring celebrations,

EADH2021 PC Chair



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Date tagged:

04/02/2021, 07:19

Date published:

04/02/2021, 06:35