Online Summer School for Literary Studies & Digital Humanities 2022 Universiteit Leiden

ALLC RSS 2022-04-28


31 May 2022 - 00:00

Online Summer School for Literary Studies & Digital Humanities 2022 Universiteit Leiden

Are you passionate about literature and do you have your own research project, a corpus or a dataset, and you want to experiment with the newest possibilities offered within Digital humanities research? If you don't know where to begin, we will help you visualize your data, communicate your results and make use of easy tools to take your research to a higher level. Join the Online Summer School for Literary Studies & Digital Humanities 2022 organised by Universiteit Leiden, KU Leuven, UR «Transitions» ULiège, LUCAS Centre for Arts in Society and LUCDH. The focus will be on recent academic research in Literary Studies at the intersection with Digital Humanities and lectures and interactive workshops will be given by experts in the field. The summer school is primarily intended for early-career researchers in Literature Studies (ResMa, pre- and postdocs) More info:


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Date tagged:

04/28/2022, 07:43

Date published:

04/27/2022, 15:19