Performance, Ecology and the End of the World

Calenda 2024-04-10


The reflection on the potential of performing arts to rethink humanity's relationships with the natural domain has been gaining clearer contours since the end of the 20th century. In this edition of Sinais de Cena, we invite the academic and artistic community, among others who are built around a curious spirit concerning these matters, to write about the performing arts action possibilities - not only about the symbiotic correspondences between performance and ecology but also about the way in which end-of-the-world narratives have opened spaces for imagining possible futures. Being receptive to all types of epistemological views on the topic and sub-themes that may branch from this, we are equally available to welcome perspectives that are built on or through artistic practice, around stage performances or experimental research processes in contexts of institutional programming or of an informal nature, without restrictions of a conceptual order or in terms of formal writing possibilities.


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Authors: (Céline Guilleux)

Date tagged:

04/10/2024, 09:11

Date published:

04/09/2024, 18:00