Regenerative and restorative pedagogy: A transdisciplinary paradigm for planetary consciousness development

Calenda 2024-05-31


If we want to do justice to the Earth and its inhabitants, we must uphold regenerative and restorative pedagogy grounded in ethical and critical values, such as social justice, caring ethics, eco-critical views, and critical digital pedagogy. We have already devoted scientific publications to concepts of regenerative and restorative pedagogical approaches, critical and ethical global and planetary consciousness. To explore them further, we invite authors from the Global South and Global North to critically reconsider the theoretical and methodological approaches of their disciplines, as well as their practical applications, from the perspective of regenerative and restorative paradigms. This involves stepping out of one's comfort zone to bring multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives into dialogue.


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ArtsHums » Calenda


appel humanities dh academy

Authors: (Céline Guilleux)

Date tagged:

05/31/2024, 04:38

Date published:

05/30/2024, 18:00