A Geography of (Art) Historians

Calenda 2024-06-25


The Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA) and the Comité International des Sciences Historiques (CISH) played a crucial role in the advancement of scholarship in the fields of Art History and History during the Cold War. Both NGOs of scholars contributed to building a professional community beyond political borders. We invite submissions papers exploring the history of these international organisations and their role in fostering transnational networks, cultural exchanges, and theoretical and methodological debates between scholars. We are also interested in local structures and the impact of international meetings on the development of national historiographies.



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ArtsHums » Calenda


appel humanities dh academy


sandrine.antoine@inist.fr (Sandrine Antoine)

Date tagged:

06/25/2024, 03:49

Date published:

06/23/2024, 18:00