Peoples and cultures of the world

Calenda 2018-12-04


In this interdisciplinary conference we aim to study different peoples and cultures of the world by taking into account the various ways peoples and cultures define themselves and others, thus shaping their identies. We aim to explore the complex relationships being established between cultural dynamics and identites in their spatial and/or chronological dimensions. We would like to focus on the variety of cultures in the world, on their diversity comparatively studied, but we are also specially inclined to discuss top-down or externally imposed politics and the types of resistance used by natives to escape these hegemonic strategies. We invite papers that analyse peoples and cultures (social communities, ethnic groups, indigenous minorities, etc.) considering their specific features and differences, possibly taking into account the theorizations underlying the construction and deconstruction of colllective identities. In this sense, we are interested in the role played by the scholar analyzing different cultures and their spatial dynamics, often fluid and somewhat controversial according to a political perspective.


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à palerme contribution appel (90100)

Authors: (Elsa Zotian)

Date tagged:

12/04/2018, 12:43

Date published:

12/02/2018, 18:00