Halal as a Way of Life

Calenda 2019-09-05


Nowadays, the Islamic market is prospering on the global scale, in particular, in Asia where the hub of its dynamism takes place in the South East-Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, or Singapore. As the term Halal means originally what is “permitted” or “licit” according to the Islamic prescriptions, this notion penetrates in the consumers’ daily life, and we have observed the emergence of a wide range of the the Shariah-compliant products and services,such as food, finance, tourism, transportation, fashion, cosmetics, sport, well-being, education and so on. Halal, to be understood as one of today’s most significant Islamic normativity, orients consumers’ interpretation on “Islamic way oflife.” It has also come to shape the Islamic market as the notion circulates in the globalized public sphere.



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celine.guilleux@openedition.org (Céline Guilleux)

Date tagged:

09/05/2019, 06:37

Date published:

09/04/2019, 18:00