Night & City

Calenda 2019-09-10


Scientific audio-visual production, not very considered by many disciplines, finds in the UAF a privileged scenario, both for the presentation of works and for the evaluation of the audio-visual methods applied to the study of the urban. Likewise, the UAF invites its screens to unconventional productions, made with mobile devices or exploring other forms of production of moving images. The use of new techniques is another of the main objectives of the UAF, as it aims to make known the innovations made and their multiple applications to the study of contemporary cities. The UAF is an invitation to watch the cities. To join to a debate far beyond the screens.


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ArtsHums ยป Calenda


appel humanities dh academy

Authors: (Anastasia Giardinelli)

Date tagged:

09/10/2019, 15:46

Date published:

09/09/2019, 18:00