The photography of persecution. Pictures of the holocaust

Calenda 2020-01-29


The conference organizers invite contributions that highlight what is missing from scholarly and public discourse about the photography of the Holocaust. We welcome papers that shed new light on persecution and mass murder through an examination of photographic images. In particular, we seek papers that explore the historical context in which photographs were produced, that restore our critical distance to the narratives presented by the photographs, and that take up methodological problems associated with the use of photographic images as instruments of dictatorial rule or the resistance to it. The conference will focus on the photographic record of the persecution of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe and its colonial possessions from 1933 to 1945. We welcome contributions that focus on individual or serial photographic images, whether they are iconic or have yet to be widely distributed, whether they were taken by Jews, Nazis, local collaborators, public authorities, photojournalists, or amateur photographers.


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ArtsHums ยป Calenda


(75) humanities dh academy

Authors: (Anastasia Giardinelli)

Date tagged:

01/29/2020, 00:20

Date published:

01/27/2020, 18:00