The Quest to Topple Science-Stymying Academic Paywalls | WIRED

tvol's bookmarks 2019-01-04


SCIENCE IS BUILT, enhanced, and developed through the open and structured sharing of knowledge. Yet some publishers charge so much for subscriptions to their academic journals that even the libraries of the world’s wealthiest universities such as Harvard are no longer able to afford the prices. Those publishers’ profit margins rival those of the most profitable companies in the world, even though research is largely underwritten by governments, and the publishers don’t pay authors and researchers or the peer reviewers who evaluate those works. How is such an absurd structure able to sustain itself—and how might we change it?


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » tvol's bookmarks

Tags: oa.access oa.paywalls oa.policies.universities oa.publishers oa.sci-hub oa.universities oa.guerrilla oa.hei oa.policies oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

01/04/2019, 17:15

Date published:

01/04/2019, 12:15