Robert-Jan Smits: the future for Plan S

tvol's bookmarks 2019-03-04


But [Robert-Jan Smits] said he thinks some of the arguments against Plan S have been “unfair”. He reserved his greatest ire for accusations that Plan S will prevent Coalition S-funded researchers from collaborating with people who do not face restrictions on where and how they can publish.

“I thought that scientists work together across borders to extend the frontiers of knowledge and solve problems for society,” he said. “If now scientists tell me that they will not cooperate anymore if they are not allowed to publish behind a paywall, I think we have a serious problem with the role of science in our society and we probably have got to have a more fundamental debate.”


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Tags: oa.plan_s oa.funders

Date tagged:

03/04/2019, 18:56

Date published:

03/04/2019, 13:56