Plan S and the UC-Elsevier negotiations—publication as part of research funding | ARL Policy Notes

tvol's bookmarks 2019-03-08


What if universities collectively agreed to the same principles as the Plan S coalition and the UC—that fully funding research also means funding open, immediate dissemination? When we talk about academy-owned, or scholar-led publishing—inclusive of text, data, materials, software, etc.—we would do well to remember that nearly one quarter of R&D is funded by universities. And that’s just STEM. Universities fund a much higher percentage of research in the humanities and social sciences, where open access increases reach, readership, and impact in critical arenas such as policy and civic society.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » tvol's bookmarks

Tags: oa.plan_s oa.ssh oa.policies oa.policies.universities oa.policies.funders oa.elsevier oa.u.california oa.hei oa.universities oa.funders oa.offsets oa.arl

Date tagged:

03/08/2019, 17:25

Date published:

03/08/2019, 05:30