Highly Profitable Medical Journal Says Open Access Publishing Has Failed. Right.

tvol's bookmarks 2019-04-01



With Plan S looming, I've no doubt we'll see more arguments against open access in the coming months, but scientists have at least one ace up our sleeves: we're the ones who do all the work. We do the experiments, we write the papers, and we review the papers. Without us, the journals would cease to exist. The journals will have no choice but to go along with plan S, because without the scientists, they'll have nothing to publish. Let's hope the U.S. will follow suit in the very near future. It's long past time to change the archaic, closed-access policies that have kept medical and scientific results–results that were funded by the public–locked behind the paywalls of for-profit publishers.



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Date tagged:

04/01/2019, 21:00

Date published:

04/01/2019, 17:00