.@ScottTaylorVA is a fighter for Virginia, and we need him back in Congress! He served our Country as a Navy SEAL, and he is Strong on the Border, Mil...

Donald J. Trump 的 Twitter 2020-09-18


.@ScottTaylorVA is a fighter for Virginia, and we need him back in Congress! He served our Country as a Navy SEAL, and he is Strong on the Border, Military, and the Second Amendment. Scott has my Complete and Total Endorsement! #VA02 https://secure.winred.com/scotttaylor/donate



From feeds:

Venezuela » Donald J. Trump @ Twitter



.@ScottTaylorVA is a fighter for Virginia, and we need him back in Congress! He served our Country as a Navy SEAL, and he is Strong on the Border, Mil...

Date tagged:

09/18/2020, 21:38

Date published:

09/18/2020, 16:20