It's OK. The Post has weathered the vicissitudes of more than two centuries of American history. We will endure this, too. But those of our colleagues...

Donald J. Trump 的 Twitter 2020-10-25


It's OK. The Post has weathered the vicissitudes of more than two centuries of American history. We will endure this, too. But those of our colleagues elsewhere keeping silent now best hope *they* never run afoul of the Narrative. Eli Lake: It’s an outrage that @nypost is still locked. And it’s a disgrace that more journalists are not outraged by this.


From feeds:

Venezuela » Donald J. Trump @ Twitter



It's OK. The Post has weathered the vicissitudes of more than two centuries of American history. We will endure this, too. But those of our colleagues...

Date tagged:

10/25/2020, 01:21

Date published:

10/24/2020, 19:44