Murkowski had hoped to preemptively nuke the SCOTUS nomination by playing games early in the process. But once it became clear she had no power to sto...

Donald J. Trump 的 Twitter 2020-10-25


Murkowski had hoped to preemptively nuke the SCOTUS nomination by playing games early in the process. But once it became clear she had no power to stop it, she switched sides so Alaskans couldn’t throw her out of office for voting against a 2nd Trump SCOTUS appointment. MSNBC: JUST IN: Republican Sen. Murkowski reverses course and says she now plans to vote in favor of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's final confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is expected to happen early next week.


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Murkowski had hoped to preemptively nuke the SCOTUS nomination by playing games early in the process. But once it became clear she had no power to sto...

Date tagged:

10/25/2020, 01:21

Date published:

10/24/2020, 16:43