Here is the Burisma email @TuckerCarlson referenced about 'closing down any cases.' We need to bring the focus back to this Remember, Biden's entire ...

Donald J. Trump 的 Twitter 2020-10-25


Here is the Burisma email @TuckerCarlson referenced about 'closing down any cases.' We need to bring the focus back to this Remember, Biden's entire defense is that Burisma was not under investigation when he got the prosecutor fired Tucker Carlson: Burisma told Hunter they wanted "to close down any cases/pursuits against” its top official in Ukraine. Watch our report here.


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Here is the Burisma email @TuckerCarlson referenced about 'closing down any cases.' We need to bring the focus back to this Remember, Biden's entire ...

Date tagged:

10/25/2020, 01:21

Date published:

10/24/2020, 15:38