.@SeanParnellUSA is a bright star for Pennsylvania. Military, Vets, Low Taxes and your 2nd Amendment will be totally protected. His opponent is a weak...

Donald J. Trump 的 Twitter 2020-10-25


.@SeanParnellUSA is a bright star for Pennsylvania. Military, Vets, Low Taxes and your 2nd Amendment will be totally protected. His opponent is a weak and ineffective puppet for Pelosi and her new Radical Left friends. Vote for Sean Parnell!



From feeds:

Venezuela » Donald J. Trump @ Twitter



.@SeanParnellUSA is a bright star for Pennsylvania. Military, Vets, Low Taxes and your 2nd Amendment will be totally protected. His opponent is a weak...

Date tagged:

10/25/2020, 09:59

Date published:

10/25/2020, 08:02