#OpenScience: a Shift in the Conversation: Keynote talk by Paola Masuzzo at the Open Science Fair 2019, Porto, Portugal. #OSFAIR2019

fedlev's bookmarks 2019-09-17


Perhaps the most sincere and heart felt talk I have ever given about Open Science. 

I talk about things like research excellence, and how much damage has already done to science. I express the desire to shift the conversation towards topics like #failtales, mental health, reform of the assessment and evaluation of research and researchers. I show a much desired shift from Open Science towards Inclusive Science, where we (Europe) start listening to what is happening to other parts of the world and to underrepresented minorities.

License on slides.

Hugely inspired by a bunch of brilliant minds. All credit is given in the content.



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Date tagged:

09/17/2019, 07:57

Date published:

09/17/2019, 03:57