Library, open science, open data and research data in Canada: what challenges? - By Alexandre Tur | Enssib

openacrs's bookmarks 2015-07-29


[From Google's English] " ... As part of his traineeship at the Library at Queen's University in Kingston (Ontario, Canada),   Alexander Tur has  had the opportunity to propose several internal trainings on the issues of the management of research data in Digital Humanities. Not surprisingly, as the situation of researchers in France, he observes the excesses of the debate or to the reluctance of researchers to share their data or to their difficulty in finding usable data as sources for their research. This fact could be explained among others by tension between management of research data , opening of research results ( Open Science ) and open data ( Open Data ) related to some confusion vocabularies. Perhaps it is the case of Humanities particularly conducive to detect this voltage; since the importance of careful management of research data is not (yet) as established in certain scientific disciplines, issues derived from the provision of this data is all the more visible. However, this tension is undoubtedly the result of public policy , perhaps too well internalized by librarians. Indeed, Open Data and Open Science are the groundswell of global policies related to public and university scientific research. Indeed, if one speaks of research data in Canadian libraries, this is mainly to anticipate the mandates open access that should soon implement the research funding agencies to the recipients of their scholarships, the so what already exists for scientific publications . Still it is necessary to make available research data, to know what they are and if we have to, which is far from certain for all social scientists ..."


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Date tagged:

07/29/2015, 06:32

Date published:

07/29/2015, 02:32