Contribution of University Library ”Svetozar Marković” to Continuing Professional Development of Employees in Librarianship | ČITALIŠTE

openacrs's bookmarks 2019-10-18


Popović, A., Stolić, D., Stanišić, D.K., 2019. Doprinos Univerzitetske biblioteke „Svetozar Marković” stalnom stručnom usavršavanju zaposlenih u bibliotečko-informacionoj delatnosti. Čitalište 18, 32–39.

This paper presents educational activity conducted by the University Library "Svetozar Marković" for employees in librarianship. As a central institution for all academic libraries in Serbia, the University Library "Svetozar Marković" systematically organizes professional development training's for librarians within the network of academic libraries. By establishing the accreditation system in librarianship in 2013, the library has developed, enriched and improved its educational activity and conducted a significant number of seminars attended by numerous participants. Accredited seminars are considered an important segment of the overall work of the University Library. In the period from 2014 to 2018, 19 programs with 2306 attendees were organized. These numbers are the results of continuity and the long term experience of the University Library "Svetozar Marković" in organizing various training for different target groups, mainly from academic environment (students and professors, academic librarians). The development of activities in the direction of educational programs was the main reason for major changes within the organizational scheme of the library and the establishment of the Department for Scientific Information and Education a decade ago. With the system of accreditation, educational work has spread more intensively to the other departments of the library, but it has also brought the other types of librarians into focus (librarians from public libraries). The practice of the library in this segment of work points to the importance of an interactive, innovative and flexible approach to the training of librarians, that would help them overcome the current challenges they face: adopting the principles of open access, understanding basic principles of copyright, new information technologies significant for librarians and their increasingly demanding users, the use of commercial and noncommercial electronic services, etc.



10/18/2019, 09:46

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10/18/2019, 13:46

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05/10/2019, 09:46