Free technology in psychological research

openacrs's bookmarks 2019-10-18


Knight, S.& Zupan, Z. 2011, "Free technology in psychological research", Psihološka istraživanja, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 99-106.

Information technology provides an important turning point in academic research. This paper is a review of different software and websites that can be used for research in psychology. The selection of software is based on the 'open-access' principle - only software that is available to everyone is included. This software is free, and for the most part, also open source - this means it can be modified for individual researcher's purposes. The use of information technology is described in every phase of the research process, and examples of available tools in every research phase are provided. This process includes the preliminary steps; the various means of data collection - including experimentation and questionnaire methods; qualitative and quantitative analysis; and write up. For researchers interested in the improvement of their research process, this work is a foundation for acquaintance and approachment to current trends that can be implemented in future work.



10/18/2019, 10:21

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Date tagged:

10/18/2019, 14:21

Date published:

03/10/2011, 09:21