DSpace 5 & 6 extension will soon enable support for new OpenAIRE Literature Guidelines - 4Science
openacrs's bookmarks 2019-12-03
Several Canadian research libraries are providing funding to ensure that the vast majority of DSpace repositories around the world can be discovered through OpenAIRE, an international database of open scholarly content. In order to support the new OpenAIRE guidelines, repository platforms must change the way they expose their metadata. Queen’s University Library along with several other Canadian university libraries will provide funding for the development of an extension to DSpace 5 & 6 that will support compliance with the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers v4. The release of the implementation and user documentation is expected by the end of February 2020.
https://www.4science.it/en/2019/12/03/english-dspace-5-6-extension-will-soon-enable-support-for-new-openaire-literature-guidelines/From feeds:
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