Science ouverte (Open Science) AgroParisTech
openacrs's bookmarks 2020-01-24
From Google's English:
'Open science designates all the principles and actions that facilitate the opening and free dissemination, for the benefit of society as a whole, of scientific research products, as well as the transparency and openness of the processes of the research.'
Since 2011, AgroParisTech has maintained a portal on the HAL national open archive, HAL-AgroParisTech to provide free and open access to its research outputs. An institutional self-archiving policy was adopted in 2014.
In 2017, AgroParisTech signed the Jussieu Call for open science and bibliodiversity , and in 2018, incorporated open science into its policy. Training and awareness-raising actions are regularly organized for research teams.
AgroParisTechsupports financially several national and international initiatives, on its own or through the Couperin consortium: OpenEdition , the Directory of Open Access Journals, SPARC Europe or Peer Community In .
In 2020, an Open Science policy was adopted.
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