Springer Nature and OpenAIRE collaborate to further Open Science | EurekAlert! Science News
openacrs's bookmarks 2020-01-27
Starting immediately, Springer Nature will provide OpenAIRE, an EU organisation that facilitates openness in scholarly communication, access to its full-text articles and chapters, regardless of their open access status and access rights. This will enable OpenAIRE to extract links from articles, research data and other scholarly outputs using text and data mining algorithms. Such links between research objects can then be used by both Springer Nature and OpenAIRE to provide searches and statistics through their respective portals and will be made freely available via nature.com, link.springer.com, OpenAIRE Explore and Scholexplorer. Through this collaboration the partners aim to foster discoverability of datasets linked to publications and vice versa, which advances research by supporting reuse, and making datasets easier to find and access.