Universities Push for Greater Global Open Access to Research Data - GO FAIR

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-02-01


At the end of January, nine major networks of research-intensive universities came together in Paris during the international Research Data Rights Summit at the Sorbonne University, representing over 160 of the main research-intensive universities worldwide. During this summit, the Sorbonne declaration on research data rights rights was signed. This declaration encourages the involved universities and their researchers to share data as much as possible, and in a FAIR manner. It heartens the setup of training and skill development programs for the creation of an open research data environment. Next to the commitments within their own networks, the signatories call on the global scholarly and research community to join them in sharing research data. Funding agencies and governments are asked to adopt a clear legal framework to regulate FAIR data sharing as well as providing the means to set it up.



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Date tagged:

02/01/2020, 11:34

Date published:

02/01/2020, 06:34