EOSC-Pillar signs the Collaboration Agreement in support of the EOSC governance | EOSC-Pillar
openacrs's bookmarks 2020-02-01
Another fundamental step for the development and implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was taken at the end of December 2019, when EOSC-Pillar joined other key H2020 projects in signing the Collaboration Agreement "Support to the EOSC Governance". Aside from EOSC-Pillar, the CA involves the other projects included in the INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019 call: EOSC-synergy, EOSC-Nordic, NI4OS-Europe, ExPaNDS, EOSCSecretariat,eu, and FAIRsFAIR. The Agreement provides the framework for all parties to collaborate on a wide range of topics, in order to enhance synergy in the mutual activities related to the EOSC, implementing the provisions outlined in their Complementary Grant Agreements concerning, among other things, access to complementary results and background. The establishment of a Cross-Project Collaboration Board (CPBD), featuring two members per each project, was a key step towards designing a roadmap for this collaboration. Federica Tanlongo from GARR and Yann Le Franc from CINES will represent EOSC-Pillar in the Board.