Helping researchers handle APCs in Serbia | EIFL

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-04-11


Like their colleagues in other middle-income countries, researchers in Serbia have insufficient research budgets, which means that publishing fees charged by open access (OA) journals are often unaffordable for them. Furthermore, in Serbia, there is no central national fund to cover publishing fees, i.e. Article Processing Charges (APCs). The national open science policy, adopted in 2018, recognizes APCs as eligible costs if included in project proposals, but the effect of the policy is yet to be seen, as the research funding system in Serbia is currently transitioning to institutional funding.



04/11/2020, 16:09

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.serbia oa.fees oa.waivers oa.agreements oa.policies oa.universities oa.hei oa.eifl oa.openapc

Date tagged:

04/11/2020, 20:09

Date published:

04/10/2020, 16:09