ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences | Technology Bloggers

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-10-13


The course is designed to run six weeks, offering six modules, each of which takes about two hours to complete. The course is described as an introduction to the concept of open science. It is thorough in its design and breadth of argument and offers a lot. It is free as it has been funded through the EU HORIZON 2020 funding program. It is primarily aimed at those working in biomedicine, life sciences and other related research fields, and is intended to help scientists to share their research with the world more effectively. it would be beneficial for anyone conducting research that produces data of any sort though, and offers a lot of information about different publishing regimes which is a topic that has regularly appeared on the blog in the past.




10/13/2020, 14:40

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป openacrs's bookmarks


oa.new oa.training oa.moocs oa.data oa.open_science oa.biomedicine oa.courseware oa.biology

Date tagged:

10/13/2020, 18:40

Date published:

10/06/2020, 14:40