Open Access Champion: Dr. Sara Gagne | J. Murrey Atkins Library

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-10-15


In an effort to increase awareness of Open Access publishing at UNC Charlotte, Atkins Library is introducing a series of interviews with Open Access (OA) Champions around campus. These Champions are faculty and researchers at UNC Charlotte who have published their work in Open Access journals or books, deposited their work in the Niner Commons, or shared their scholarship via other Open Access avenues. Some Champions have received support from the Atkins Library Open Access Publishing Fund to publish in Open Access journals. This month's OA Champion is Dr. Sara Gagné from the Department of Geography & Earth Sciences.



10/15/2020, 13:17

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.interviews oa.hei oa.funding oa.fees oa.journals oa.advocacy oa.discoverability oa.people

Date tagged:

10/15/2020, 17:17

Date published:

10/13/2020, 13:17