Why open access is at the core of our publishing mission

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-10-17


As of today, we publish nearly 500 full open access titles, and we continue to launch new journals at a rapid pace. Over 90 percent of journals published in Elsevier offer the option to publish gold open access. And we’re committed to finding a sustainable path to extend open access to all our titles, including those in the Cell Press and The Lancet portfolios. Those numbers make Elsevier one of the fastest-growing open access publishers. In 2019, the number of open access articles we published increased by over 40 percent to a total of 49,000 articles. That growth continues into 2020. To gain insights into how open access became central to Elsevier’s publishing mission, we caught up with Dr. Philippe Terheggen, Managing Director of Science, Technology and Medical Journals (STMJ).




10/17/2020, 12:50

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Date tagged:

10/17/2020, 16:50

Date published:

10/12/2020, 12:50