Завершился всероссийский конкурс «Путь в науку»

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-10-18


The Path to Science competition was organizaed by the Scientific Correspondent platform with the support of the Association of Internet Publishers, the Open Science Association and the Nauka i zhizn' journal. You can view the entries here .

To participate, the authors had to publish in the open access a their bachelor, master, specialist or PhD candidate theses written within the past three years. The main goal of the competition is to promote the practice of open access publishing and open scholarly communication.

The prize fund was 100,000 rubles (prizes of 25 thousand, 10 thousand, 5 thousand and four prizes of 2.5 thousand rubles in each of the categories), which were provided by the sponsor of the competition, the company Pravo avtora, which specializes in the protection of author's moral  rights. Also, each laureate will be provided with an electronic subscription to the journal Nauka i zhizn'. The winners in each category will receive T-shirts from CyberLeninka, and all laureates will receive badges.

Laureates: https://nauchkor.ru/contests/put-v-nauku-5e9cb176ca23590001c27492




10/18/2020, 01:23

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Date tagged:

10/18/2020, 05:23

Date published:

10/01/2020, 01:23