Indonesia publishes the most open-access journals in the world: what it means for local research

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-10-21


Indonesia is a world leader in the number of free-to-read published research journals. Journals published with open access (OA) licenses are available to read for free and can be legally redistributed. With the license, anyone can get the full article and all supporting documents for free because the author or research institute already bears the cost of publishing. The latest data show Indonesia has published 1,717 OA articles, followed by the United Kingdom (1,655) and Brazil (1,544). This number reflects Indonesia’s important position in global academic publishing. We will explain what this means for the research ecosystem in Indonesia.



10/21/2020, 02:40

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Date tagged:

10/21/2020, 06:40

Date published:

10/07/2020, 02:40