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openacrs's bookmarks 2020-12-25


Open science is a phrase that includes a large number of activities that change the approach to research and the results of scientific work, contribute to the democratization and transparency of science, and help achieve a goal - science for all. The Centre for Behavioral Genetics at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Unicersity of Novi Sad (Serbia) has participated in the recent conference "OpenSciecne Days in Serbia". According to prof. Dr. Snezana Smederevac, from this Department, a large number of people can not access the results of scientific work, even the authors themselves, because they have to pay...



12/25/2020, 17:50

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.serbia oa.serbian oa.open_science oa.repositories oa.policies oa.citizen_science oa.incentives

Date tagged:

12/25/2020, 22:50

Date published:

12/01/2020, 17:50