Une feuille de route pour une science ouverte et partagée | Site Web IRD
openacrs's bookmarks 2021-08-08
The Institut de recherche pour le développement (France) has adopted a Roadmap for open and shared science, which was presented to its board of directors late in June. Initiated more than twenty years ago, open science is today at the heart of national (esp. the French Open Science Plan), European and international research strategies. It offers the opportunity to support a more ethical, shared and accessible research in the service of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Institute's open science roadmap has been broken down into 21 objectives organized around five major topics:
- Open and disseminate data, publications, software and protocols resulting from IRD research Developing open science with the countries of the South
- Encourage the sharing of research with all actors in society
- Developing the culture and skills of open science within the IRD sphere of influence
- Include open science in the institutional framework of the IRD