FAIRsFAIR 2022 Final Event | FAIRsFAIR
openacrs's bookmarks 2021-12-21
Public Session, Wednesday 26th of January, 14:00 - 17:00 CET
During this session, representatives from FAIRsFAIR will debate on the core aspects of implementing FAIR with outstanding representatives of the European and international research community. How can we ensure the sustainability of FAIR practices? How are universities in Europe implementing and ensuring implementation of FAIR policies by students, educators and trainers? How do we combine the FAIR principles with data preservation in the long-term? And last but not least: how do we ensure the FAIR principles are truly turned into common practices to be continuously implemented by researchers and supported by funding agencies? The concluding session will look at the national perspective, asking ourselves how we can ensure that European sovereignty deals with national and language dimensions when dealing, for instance, with aspects related to ontologies, vocabularies and specific local cultural aspects.